Life at The Resource Group: The Move to Remote Work

March 17, 2022

By: Ryan Easter & Melissa Weston 

To be (remote) or not to be (remote), that is the question. In light of COVID-19, many workplaces moved to a remote work environment - The Resource Group included. In fact, it has been nearly two years to the day since our organization went remote and although we all had quite the learning curve our associates are taking it in strides and adapting successfully. Hear about this journey and more from two of our Directors.

What were your initial reactions when you learned we would be moving to remote work? 


"I was excited and nervous when The Resource Group decided to move to a remote work environment. I thrive in environments with direct human connection so there was a bit of concern around the decision. However, I was part of the workgroup assigned to determine what the remote work environment could look like which provided an opportunity for me to shape how the future of our workplace would look."


"The move to remote work heightened my concern about the pandemic. It was a very powerful reminder of just how serious things were getting. For the workplace specifically, I will admit I was very nervous about losing personal relationships and becoming less productive. On the flip side I was very excited about the opportunity to spend more time around my family and kids."


Was the reality of remote work aligned/misaligned with your initial reactions?

"I. Love. Connection. This was probably the scariest change for me but what I learned quickly was the move to a remote work environment allowed me to connect to so many more of our associates. I started to utilize technology in a way I hadn't before which removed many communication barriers and expanded my reach, for both personal and professional reasons, across our organization."


"As stated, I thought the move to a remote work environment would lower productivity significantly. Looking back, I could not have been more wrong. Everyone adjusted so quickly it reemphasized the culture of The Resource Group that I love so much - that drive to do the right thing, support each other, deliver the highest quality work, and continuously uphold our purpose."


If you could go back and give 2020 you any tips or advice, what would they be?

"I would 100% tell 2020 me to stop and smell the roses. I think back in 2020 it was easy to be overwhelmed and stressed. But looking back, that time where I was cooped up with the kids or just with myself and a good book is a time most of us may never get again. One tip is to give yourself and people around you grace. The past two year were a great opportunity to reset our own personal journeys. Those resets changed how people showed up everyday and extending grace and being honest is what will help everyone thrive."


"I would tell myself, 'It's going to be okay.' and 'Sharpen your GIF game.' All jokes aside, transitioning to remote work has taught me the importance of being intentional with my connections. Before moving remote, I will admit that I leaned towards working in a more siloed environment and I didn't really think anything of it because I was surrounded by people in the office. Now, I am cognizant that communicating is not as easy as nudging my cubemate and sharing a laugh. Instead, I have to put slightly more effort into when, who, and how I communicate - aka an increased use of GIFs."
