2019 National Healthcare Supply Chain Week | Bridging the Clinical Gap

October 07, 2019

by Poonam Sheevam

As change and disruption in the healthcare industry has intensified, many healthcare organizations are faced with ongoing challenges to provide patients access to efficient, effective, and equitable care. In response, leading hospitals and health systems have implemented programs to facilitate communication and idea-sharing among clinical stakeholders to coordinate delivery of the highest quality patient care. In 2015, The Resource Group identified the need for a dedicated role to support clinical integration of supply chain and introduced the Clinical Integration Manager position as part of the Deployment Community. 

What are Clinical Integration Managers?

Clinical Integration Managers are clinical leaders skilled in change management and relationship development.  This combination of skills allows the Clinical Integration Managers to consult specifically on clinical considerations during the deployment of The Resource Group’s User-Directed Integrated Solutions at new Participant sites.

As Clinical Integration Managers are responsible for physician collaboration and medical staff relationship management, they all must have functional knowledge of medical, pharmacy, imaging, surgery, and other clinical areas, along with extensive knowledge on supply chain management. Individuals who possess all these traits and skills are hard to come by, and sometimes filling the roles can be challenging; however, Michelle McClay, Vice President Deployment and Analytics, notes the return on investment is extensive. “The Clinical Integration Managers lead clinically focused conversion projects across the Participants The Resource Group deploys. One of the most important value-add services they lead are the Clinical Conversion Teams (CCTs). Through these CCTs, our Clinical Integration Managers have assisted in the successful conversion of tens of thousands of items and aided in generating over $145 million in savings during deployments”. 

Outside of leading the CCTs during deployments, Clinical Integration Managers have supported many areas, through both short- and long-term engagements, such as:

  • Designed new processes to create a transformative integrated surgical experience
  • Served as interim and flex staff at multiple Participant sites to accelerate initiatives or avoid gaps in support
  • Performed Clinical Change Management consultation across The Resource Group Participant sites as requested

The Resource Group’s Clinical Integration Managers are uniquely positioned to lead and drive clinical change and further address the diverse needs of each Participant. Through excellence in change management and relationship development, The Resource Group Clinical Integration Managers implement sustainable change to improve and enhance the delivery of high quality care, while also developing foundations to address tomorrow’s healthcare challenges.