Women's History Month


This year's theme for Women's History month, 'Celebrating Women Who Tell Stories', focuses on women, past and present, who have been active in all forms of media and storytelling including print, radio, TV, stage, screen, blogs, podcasts, and more. The historical stories of women inspire and encourage women today to continue efforts for equity. By listening to the stories of women, past and present, space is created to amplify women's voices and true understanding can take place.

Our associates are living examples of the importance of stories. Inspiration can be found in our associates simply by hearing the stories that shaped them, as well as the stories they continue to share. As Women's History Month comes to a close, we celebrate women in our organization by listening to and sharing their stories:

Emily Homan

Specialist, End-User Engagement
What is a story/stories of women that have or continue to empower you?

As a runner, I often look to the elite marathon runners for inspiration. Their endurance, grit, and passion is something that is so amazing to witness. Oftentimes, their personal stories are even more inspiring. I love seeing strong women accomplish hard things!

Is there a woman who inspires you? Who are they and why are they an inspiration?

My mom and grandma have been the most influential women in my life. My grandma was widowed when she had two young children, and she raised two incredible women, one of whom is my mom. My mom devoted her life to my siblings and I, and at the age of 36 she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. She is hands down one of the hardest working and most faithful women I know. I am so fortunate to have her as an example in my life, and am grateful my children get to witness that, too.

How do you share, show, or live out your life to inspire others?

I try to be authentic and open as I can. I love connecting with others and finding out what they are passionate about, what drives them, what excites them. I think human connection and showing love and grace is so important. 

Jeanne Parks

Manager, Sterile Processing - Introspection


What is a story/stories of women that have or continue to empower you?

I'm empowered by stories of black women who worked tirelessly for women's suffrage. Women like Ida B. Wells-Barnett and Mary Church Terrell dedicated their lives to improving life for people in general and specifically women of color. They had incredible resilience and fortitude as they were not always championed, but continued to stand strong in the face of opposition, oppression, and suppression. Their spirit is still alive as women face new challenges to equal opportunity and recognition. That's girl power!

Is there a woman who inspires you? Why are they an inspiration?

My grandmother, Jean E. Ford is one of my greatest inspirations. I'm the only one of dozens of grandchildren and great-grandchildren to be named after her. She has a list of successes that goes on forever including being the first black woman to be elected President of the National Association of Hospital Purchasing Managers while raising 8 children on her own. She accomplished so much in spite of personal challenges and obstacles that women of color faced. Her resilience is my inspiration. 

How do you share, show, or live out your life to inspire others?

I show up authentically and live with intention. I don't focus on my perceived weaknesses, instead work to develop my strengths. My weaknesses are someone else's strengths, so I encourage and empower others to develop their strengths. Everyone has a purpose!

Katie Picha

Value Acceleration Lead
What is a story/stories of women that have or continue to empower you?

I think the story that will always come to my mind first is of Malala Yousafzai. I remember hearing about her story while in my middle and high school history classes. I was amazed to see that someone my own age was already making such a large impact on the lives of so many women. Despite significant setbacks, she continues to fight for what she believes.

Is there a woman who inspires you? Who are they and why are they an inspiration?

My grandma, Ann Colvin, is a woman who inspires me greatly. She had seven children and raised each one of them on her own. She is strong yet gentle, independent, gracious, and loyal. Without her, my mother would not be the woman she is, and I would not be the woman I am.

How do you share, show, or live out your life to inspire others?

I love to inspire others through words. Words have so much power, especially words of encouragement and compliments. When women feel uplifted, they are much more likely to go out and uplift others as well. 

Laurie De La Cruz

Regional Operating Officer
What is a story/stories of women that have or continue to empower you?

I draw inspiration from so many women from all walks of life and ages. Any story of women healing, supporting one another, advocating, evolving, growing, etc. have and continue to empower me.

Is there a woman who inspires you? Why are they an inspiration?

Esther is her name. She's my great grandmother on my Father's side. She is so special to me as she lived through perilous times and faced great adversity. She built a strong legacy of faith, love, and family centered approach that generations benefit from. I celebrate my native Yaqui heritage because of her and identify with the seeds of strength that she sowed, overcoming so many challenges through her journey through life. 

How do you share, show, or live out your life to inspire others?

I share by showing up wholehearted and transparent as I can by demonstrating vulnerability and leaning into uncertainty while building authentic relationships. I believe we are all one conversation away from understanding and/or being understood. 

Louma Kaakarli

Intern, Contract Design and Sourcing
What is a story/stories of women that have or continue to empower you?

Yusra Mardini. She is a Syrian refugee who swam a life raft full of people across the Aegean Sea to seek refuge in Greece. Later, she went on to swim at the Olympics.

Is there a woman who inspires? Who are they and why are they an inspiration?

My cousin, Makieh, who over the years really became an older sister to me. She has supported me, guided me, and held my hand through life. I am glad to have her in my corner, and I am inspired by how much she continues to accomplish despite all the hardships she faced. 

How do you share, show, or live out your life to inspire others?

I like to give back to my community in whatever capacity that may be. It's not always financially, sometimes it's just giving my time. I also like to engage with other Muslim women or women of color and support them, rally for them, and engage in their projects, arts, and work!

Ngozi Ndekwu

Community Support Intern
What is a story/stories of women that have or continue to empower you?

Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, who is the first woman and African to lead the World Trade Organization. She is an epitome of excellence and has led several initiatives that assisted the economic growth of African countries. In addition, I admire how she radiates her African culture through her attire on global platforms.

Is there a woman who inspires you? Who are they and why are they an inspiration?

My mother inspires me. She has never ceased to be selfless, accessible, and kind to people. Growing up as a child, she constantly made huge sacrifices for my siblings and I to ensure we were happy. She went above and beyond to care for us. I hope to be that and more when I become a mom.

How do you share, show, or live out your life to inspire others?

I am always willing and glad to help share information that will be impactful to an individual's growth.

Poonam Sheevam

Senior Manager, Strategic Support
What is a story/stories of women that have or continue to empower you?

Whenever I am at my lowest I always think about my lineage. My grandma lived in what most Americans would consider extreme poverty, got married off at 18, and immigrated to a whole new country in her 40s. I don't envy the life she lived, it was really hard and it continued to be hard for my mom and lots of other women in my life who did the back breaking work so I could live a softer life. This lineage, the complete sacrifice, will always ground and empower me. 

Is there a woman who inspires you? Who are they and why are they an inspiration?

Lots of women inspire me but none as much as my younger sisters. I have three and they are my whole life. Together they remind me to never let someone else's judgment limit what I can do, to lean into the fluidity of life, and to reserve my time/energy to those who give the same in return.

How do you share, show, or live out your life to inspire others?

To be honest, I don't intentionally think about how I can inspire others BUT I do intentionally think about living a deeply honest life. through this I think a natural inspiration occurs as it allows for deep connections rooted in authenticity.

Shazia Nooruddin

Senior Analyst, Data Action
What is a story/stories of women that have or continue to empower you?

A close friend of mine's story empowers me. At the age of 4, she lost her mother to breast cancer and as a result endured years of emotional abuse from her father. Despite these barriers, she put herself through college and has lived without family in her life for 15 years. She has such a strong sense of self-worth and is the most independent, mindful person I know. 

Is there a woman who inspires you? Who are they and why are they an inspiration?

My mom, Nadia Nooruddin, is an inspiration to me because she has spent her life selflessly caring for others. She went through school in Pakistan, immigrated to the US for residency, and successfully completed residency with a newborn baby. She spent years of her life working with patients who have disabilities, only to spend the last 10 year constantly taking care of her mother, my grandmother, who had extensive disabilities and Alzheimer's Disease. She went through many difficult challenges throughout her personal life and career only to come out of it stronger. 

How do you share, show, or live out your life to inspire others?

I live my life through independence, balance, and peace. I take care of myself and my dog. I make sure my work-life-school balance remains at a level I am comfortable with, and I prioritize peace and mindfulness. 

Zahra Young

Senior Director, Value Acceleration
What is a story/stories of women that have or continue to empower you? 

I am constantly in awe of Malala Yousafzai and how speaking up on behalf of women and children's right to education made her the target of an extremist religious militant group in Pakistan. Despite a near death experience, one that could have deterred her away from her social platform, Malala continues to advocate for education and equality for all women across the globe.

Is there a woman who inspires you? Who are they and why are they an inspiration?

Each day, I am more and more inspired by my mom, Naseem Kasam, who was born and raised in Mumbai, India. At 29, she decided to pursue higher education, taking her passion for service to the next level and go to nursing school. She worked long nights and weekends while going to school for years and is now an international nurse recruiter, helping staff underserved communities experiencing nursing shortages. She travels the world to find talented individuals to sponsor, helping them realize the American dream that she once experienced herself. 

How do you share, show, or live out your life to inspire others?

There are many traits and qualities that inspirational leaders embody and exhibit. My version of inspiration leans heavily on candor. Authenticity is key - I live my life as openly and honestly as I can, and within the workplace also maintain and balance professionalism.