Setting Yourself Up For Success: Resource Group Internship Applications

By Parker Thompson

We are so excited our internship positions are now live and ready for prospective applicants! It can be overwhelming to sort through all the Summer 2024 internship opportunities and even harder to find the perfect fit for yourself. We talked with one of our previous interns, Parker, about how she researched and decided The Resource Group's internship program would be the right choice for her career path. Continue reading to learn more about researching internships, asking questions in interviews, and finding the perfect fit for your Summer 2024 internship!
How did you determine The Resource Group would be a good overall fit?

First off, I looked into what internships were even out there before diving into researching organizations. After finding opportunities, I took some time to research each organization. Their websites showed their values, mission, and leadership within the company. When I found The Resource Group I learned they were a subsidiary of Ascension, and that was a cool connection for me as I went to a Catholic school growing up. As I kept researching I realized the positive impact The Resource Group's work had on the world and healthcare, and I knew this would be a good fit. 

How  did you determine The Resource Group internships would be a good fit?

It is such a tedious task to research internships, but if you step outside your comfort zone you can find the perfect role. For example, if you are going into healthcare that doesn't mean you have to be in a clinical setting. I thought I needed to do a hospital administration internship in order to gain the skills I wanted, but after researching roles I realized I could reach my professional goals with The Resource Group.

In order to learn more about the position and if I would be a good fit, I found associates on the team I was applying for on LinkedIn. I knew I would be supporting projects they are working on and tasks they do, so I looked at their job descriptions to determine if I would enjoy the work the team does. In addition, don't be afraid to ask more about the role in the interview. 

What characteristics does The Resource Group look for in candidates?

I think good candidates for The Resource Group demonstrate the 7 Attributes and have a willingness to learn and work with others. There are a lot of opportunities in The Resource Group and if you are willing to learn from others and collaborate you will get a lot from the internship experience. 

What steps do you normally take to be ready for the interview process?
  • Research the job description and team responsibilities
  • Research the company's ideals and mission
  • Do mock interviews with friends
  • Practice skills for potential assessments
  • Think about my experiences and how they connect to the role
What key information should candidates glean from the interviews?

The are two things I always like to learn from my interviews. 1) What my interviewee's favorite project or task is in their current role. This information helps me learn more about what the team does and gives insight into the culture of the organization. It is always a good indication if their answers are enthusiastic because it shows they enjoy their work. 2) What characteristics their ideal candidate possesses. This gets them thinking about if you demonstrate those characteristics, helps you identify if you're a good fit, and can help you highlight those characteristics if you have future interviews.

Do you have any additional tips for candidates in the interview process?

I always make sure to take notes during my interview. This allows me to remember key items and questions I have. Taking notes also demonstrates you are curious and want to be prepared for the position if you do get the role. In general, the keys to interviews are preparation, asking questions, and being yourself!

Put Parker's tips to use and click HERE to apply to our Summer 2024 internship today!