Associate Blog | Summer Intern Introductions

By Megan Schultz

Dear readers,

It is my honor to introduce The Resource Group's Summer 2022 intern class. What started off as a single position in 2012 has now blossomed into 30+ internship slots across The Resource Group. Spanning eight Communities, the intern program is not only a well-rounded experience but also a mutually beneficial opportunity allowing both the interns and The Resource Group to determine future career fit. 

I myself started as an intern in 2016 and have since joined The Resource Group full-time progressing into my current position as an Analyst Manager. I can say with confidence the intern program at The Resource Group is unlike any other with a unique 50/50 split. What we mean by this is half of the summer is dedicated to learning Community workstreams to prepare interns for full-time employment and the other half is dedicated to exploration across the organization to help interns find the best fit. Along with the aforementioned items, the internship program is set up to ensure interns end their 12 weeks with practical experience  in preparation for the working world.

It is truly an organizational effort to provide the interns with a well-rounded experience and I would be remiss to not say THANK YOU to every single associate who has shared their time in making the program a success.  Our foundational goal is to develop the next generation of associates as our interns serve as an internal talent pipeline and are truly the future of The Resource Group. 

And with that, I give you our Summer 2022 interns.


With Excitement,

Megan Schultz

Andrew Osburn

"I joined The Resource Group because I was excited by its balance between fast-paced innovation and community. As a result, I felt that becoming a summer intern could provide a challenging and rewarding opportunity to learn from the incredible teams."

Anushka Kanoongo

"The Resource Group works with a vast network of hospitals and achieves excellent results in the industry. The past interns at The Resource Group were able to apply their knowledge to the industry and had supportive guidance throughout the summer. I was also interested in The Resource Group's unique User-Directed Integrated Solutions."

Bailey McElyea

"I had the honor of talking to Michelle McClay at one of our school events where she talked about culture. culture was such an important quality to me when looking for an internship and I was able to hear directly from michelle on The Resource Group's culture which made the idea of working in healthcare supply chain really exciting! what could be better than having a great culture within a great company!"


Caden Elwell

"I interned with The Resource Group last summer and I love the culture that my fellow team members embodied. It is a great work environment and I can't wait to (hopefully) to start my career here."

Caleb Watson

"I joined The Resource Group because I wanted to work for a company that has a positive impact on the world, and I believe that The Resource Group does exactly that."

Danielle Flieg

"I was interested in an internship at The Resource Group as an opportunity to grow professionally. I was also able to speak with associates at The Resource Group and found that everyone was welcoming, understanding, and sincere about their love for their work."

Dustin Meier

"I joined The Resource Group because of 'mission'. the opportunity to work for a non-profit organization really inspired me." 

Grace Floyd

"I was interested in how The Resource Group is able to help patients and hospitals with a ton of different items and provide various solutions that can have a huge impact on the healthcare industry."

Grace Mosby

"I have a passion for healthcare and was drawn to The Resource Group's core values and mission to support the delivery of quality healthcare to patients."

Jack Hummel

"Interning at The Resource Group is giving me an opportunity to further develop my textbook analytic skills and apply them to real world cases."

Jackson Weedmark

"I always love to expand my experiences and find new things in search for new passions. The Resource Group is a highly recognized organization that gives me a new challenge and focuses on helping individuals in need, something that I would love to be a part of."

Jacob Barkovitch

"I have always been interested in healthcare technology and in college I conducted research involving the social impacts and benefits of technology in healthcare. this coupled with my desire to be a Data Scientist/Analyst made The Resource Group a perfect fit for me. Working for The Resource Group allows me to leverage my Analytic skills in a field I enjoy while also leaving a positive impact by helping the less fortunate."

Jacob Schmidt

"I've always wanted to work in the healthcare industry and when I was told about The Resource Group I heard nothing but great things about the culture which was my main motivation to apply for and accept this internship."

Jamar Strother

"The COVID-19 pandemic piqued my interest in the management and efficiency of health systems. I became interested in The Resource Group because of their organizational values and because they are leaders in healthcare supply chain."

Jean-Paul Nunez

"I was interested in an internship with The Resource Group because I wanted to gain practical experience for an anlyst type role while also developing a breadth of additional skills."

Johnny Andrade

"When I first found The Resource Group I was looking for internships that involved sourcing and procurement. As I was researching I noticed how huge and widespread The Resource Group was and saw all the opportunities I could learn from. The more I kept reading and learning how important The Resource Group was to Ascension I was hooked. Also, with all the ongoing issues in today's world, I was very interested to know how The Resource Group is navigating and providing effective solutions."

Jose Pecina

"What interests me about The Resource Group is its way of operating and managing logistics across the U.S. with Ascension and yet it feels like a small group where it is easy to connect with other people in and out of your department. Working at The Resource Group also gives me the opportunity to connect to 'mission' through our active on-site roles." 

Kazton Hoffman

"I joined The Resource Group because it seemed like a great opportunity to gain skills and experience for the future with a good and growing company."

Kevin O'Donnell

"I was interested in the opportunity to apply my data analytics skills to healthcare and to work for an organization that values integrity and service."

Krutika Parvatikar

"I joined The Resource Group because of the beliefs that the organization shares and their values."

Lauren Kirchberg

"I was interested in an internship with The Resource Group because of the positive impact they have in the communities they serve. The Resource Group allows associates to develop and grow professionally, while also serving a greater purpose."

Louma Kaakarli

"The Resource Group/Ascension are connected to the hospital that I was born at, and I wanted to work for a place that was meaningful to me on a personal level."

Mackenzie Ortlieb

"What most attracted me to The Resource Group is that I feel the company's work is aligned with my future career goals. This internship will help me learn invaluable skills that will help develop talent for my future career. The Resource Group has a wealth of success and experience as well as strong work values and ethics. I want to work in a healthcare setting, but not the clinical side, and I aim to work towards improving some of the issues I am passionate about. I believe that by assisting in the work The Resource Group does, I can help provide measurable changes to issues in our healthcare system today."

Madi Robinson

"I always wanted to be in the healthcare scene where I was able to collaborate with others to work towards a common goal and also be challenged. Once I talked to more people from The Resource Group, I was so excited to learn more about the company and be surrounded by talented and intelligent individuals that are so welcoming and fun to work with!"

MK Parrot

"Through my experience working in clinics I became passionate about how healthcare systems are run and how we can change things to improve the working and personal lives of healthcare employees at all levels. The Resource Group seemed to be the perfect place to learn about how to use a more business-like thought process to achieve this goal and learn to solve important, multi-faceted problems through data analysis and creative problem solving."

Molly McElroy

"As I investigated different internships within the business side of healthcare, The Resource Group stood out for several reasons. The description of the job itself seemed like content that I was truly interested in learning. The people I talked with were always encouraging while describing their work environment and I knew it would be a place where I would be challenged. Additionally, during interviews, many people mentioned the opportunity to continue on with the company as I grew. Overall, The Resource Group interested me because I know that it is a place where I will gain first hand experience that will last for the entirety of my professional career."

Ngozi Ndekwu

"As a physician, I have witnessed first-hand the negative impact of shortage and inconsistency of supplies on healthcare delivery. I believe the root cause of these past experiences can be managed or resolved to improve the quality of care. In addition, The Resource Group employees boast of the organizational culture and I wanted to intern with a firm that will give me the opportunity to develop while adding value to the organization."

Pooja Sigdel

"I talked to prior interns from The Resource Group and I also attended their presentation about the summer program. The projects they worked on were very interesting and showcased  valuable experience. I also had an opportunity to talk to Michelle McClay during an event on campus. She presented about The Resource Group's culture, values, and Purpose. The Resource Group's Purpose to support the delivery of care to everyone, especially to those who are poor and vulnerable, motivated me to apply."

Sarah Crumley

"Once I attended the presentation about this internship at Lincoln Memorial University I realized what a great opportunity this would be. The Resource Group immediately stood out to me with its connection to a Catholic non-profit organization and it being focused in healthcare. It sounded almost too good to be true. I have always been interested in healthcare but have not necessarily wanted to be in the operating room, so this is very exciting to be a part of."

Scott Cook

"I was interested in The Resource Group due to their focus on healthcare management and the client facing opportunities that come along with it."

Selma Mekias

"I joined The Resource Group because working in the healthcare field is exciting.  moreover, I have biology background and working as an analyst in healthcare field combines my skillsets and supports my future growth."

Shraddha Gupta

"At an institution event, I had the opportunity to meet Michelle McClay, a leader within The Resource Group, who inspired me to join this prestigious organization. There is something highly appealing about this organization both in terms of its strong culture and its mission. I have a fervent desire to provide exceptional customer service that is aligned with the organization's objectives."

Victoria Blankenship

"What initially drew me into applying to The Resource Group was how happy and content the employees seemed to be in their jobs. Growing up, I was surrounded by people who only went to their jobs to get a paycheck and received no joy form their work. I was blown away to see how proud and happy people were here and I knew I had to apply."

Vikram Parmar

"I went through The Resource Groups services and I was impressed with the quality of their work. I'm also impressed with their goals and values and would love to help contribute in achieving them."